Koob series

  • Cerium (ⅳ) hydroxide (CE (Oh) 4) (CASE NO.12014-56-1)

    Cerium (ⅳ) hydroxide (CE (Oh)4) (CASE NO.12014-56-1)

    Cerium hydroxide (CE (Oh)4), tseem hu ua cerium hydle, yog lub teeb daj lossis brownish daj hmoov nrog cov khoom kho zoo, cov hluav taws xob thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab cov khoom siv catalytic. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv cov roj-rhiab sensors, roj hlwb, nonlinear optics, catalysts thiab lwm daim teb.

    Wasaixi tuam txhab muaj qhov tsim muaj kev tiv thaiv kev ua haujlwm siab hydroxide cov txheej txheem ntau lawm, thiab tuaj yeem muab cov khoom lag luam hydroxide siab (ego42- <100ppm thiab lwm yam) thiab tus nqi sib tw.

  • Cerium acetate hydrate (CAS A. 206996-60-3)

    Cerium acetate hydrate (CAS A. 206996-60-3)

    Cerium acetate hydrate (CE (CH3CO2)3Nhh2O / CE (AC)3Nhh2O) yog dawb rau lub teeb beige fais fab, uas crystal yog ib qho ntawm cov khoom siv sib xyaw ua ke, cov tshuaj lom neeg kom huv, uas yog siv dav hauv ntau thaj kev lag luam niaj hnub.

    WASAXI lub tuam txhab tau tsim cov khoom lag luam rau ntau tshaj kaum xyoo, thiab tuaj yeem muab cov neeg siv khoom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo ceracts cov khoom lag luam thiab tus nqi sib tw.

  • Cerium oxide (caso2) (CAS A. 1036-336-3)

    Cerium oxide (CEO2) (CASE NO. 1036-33-3)

    Cerium oxide (CEO2

    Wasaixi lub tuam txhab tau tsim cerium oxide ntev li kaum xyoo thiab tuaj yeem muab cov neeg siv khoom muaj cov khoom lag luam zoo cerium oxide cov khoom lag luam thiab tus nqi sib tw.

  • Cerium clecoride heptahydrate (CleCl3Y2O) (CAS A. 18618-55-8)

    Cerium c cerium c cerium heptahydrate (cecl37H2O) (CAS A. 18618-55-8)

    Cerium c cerium c cerium heptahydrate (cecl37H2O) is a colorless bulk crystal used in the manufacture of petrochemical catalysts, metal corrosion inhibitors, and also used in the manufacture of cerium metal and other cerium compounds. WASAXI lub tuam txhab yog lub chaw tsim khoom lag luam ntawm cov khw muag khoom lag luam tsis tshua muaj. Peb tuaj yeem muab cov neeg siv khoom zoo cerium c cerium c cerium c cerium cov tshuaj, xws li cerium c cerium c cerline c ceryside heptahydrate cerium cerium chloride.

  • Cerium ammonium nitrate (CE (NH4) 2 (No3) 6) (CAS A. 16774-21-3)

    Cerium ammonium nitrate (CE (NH4)2(Tsis muaj3)6) (CASE TSIS TAU. 16774-21-3)

    Ammonium cerium nitrate (CE (NH4)2(Tsis muaj3)6) yog txiv kab ntxwv granular lead ua nrog cov dej solubility muaj zog. Nws tau siv dav hauv cov organic synthesis, xws li catalysis, oxidation, nitrification thiab lwm yam. Nws tseem raug siv los ua Corrosion tus neeg sawv cev ntawm Corruit Court Circuital, oxidant thiab pib polymerization cov tshuaj tiv thaiv.

  • Cerium carbonate (CE2 (CAS3) 3) (CASE NO 537-01-9)

    23)3) (CASS. 537-01-9)

    Cee Cerium Carbonate (CE23)3